Friday, December 30, 2011


Happy New Year to everyone. Happy New Year is what we wish each other year in, year out. Happy New Year! What is new about the coming year? Well, some might say that it would be 2012, excellent!

What some of us do at such periods is to make new year resolutions. For smokers, some would vow never to smoke again come 2012. For binge eaters, come 2012, no more binge eating. For drunks, all alcoholic drinks must go off my shelf by 2012. It is really great to make new year resolutions, but do we keep them? How does one think that just wishing one would quit smoking would make that urge to be wiped away by the rolling in of a new year? Infact, when I was growing up, my mom usually would call us on the eve of a new year, and have us all make our resolutions; one of my brothers, who started most fights in the house, would vow that he would never fight again. Guess what happens, before the middle of January 1, we would have to break up a fight started by my brother, and we would all agonize over the fact that he was the first person to break his new year resolution. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I broke mine at some point within the year, and so would others.

What I have come to realize though about any resolution any of us  make, is that we have to work towards its attainment. For example, if one wants to quit smoking by the beginning of a new year, one must start working towards quitting, by cutting down on the no of cigarettes one smokes b/f the end of the old year, to make the final quitting possible by the beginning of the new year. I also believe that "in vain does a builder build, if the Lord does not build-" the holy bible. We need to pray about any resolution we make, by asking God to help our weak, human bodies to attain it. Even when we falter and fall after we made our resolutions, we should be resolute to start anew. We can only succeed, if after each fall, we get up, dust ourselves up and continue afresh. Good luck with your positive, new year resolutions. Do note, that one can make ones resolutions any time within the year, so no excuses for you not to make yours.  Think of that part of your life you want to amend and gradually chisel it down. Good luck in your efforts, and may we, through work and deed continue to inspire all we come in contact with in the course of our lives.

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