Thursday, December 22, 2011


It is Christmas again! The buzz is in the air and everyone is running helter skelter to buy last minute gifts. Some buy more than twenty gifts to give away. I bet that after this is over, like in recurrent years, many people must have incurred lots of debts, in their attempt to belong. I often ponder the reason for the gift giving. Do not get me wrong, because there is absolutely nothing wrong in giving. For example, it is great to feed and provide for the disadvantaged-hungry, orphans, etc, at all times, Christmas inclusive. One could also get a gift for a family member, or friend at any time, if one can afford it, and if it is done with moderation. Some would say that the three wise men gave gifts to Baby Jesus, that regardless, does not compel us to give gifts, especially when we cannot afford to.

 It is the must-give pressure society faces when it is Christmas time, and by that, I mean that once it is Christmas, I must buy a gift for my spouse, children, friends, acquaintances, etc, that is getting addictive. The ridiculousness of it all, is that many times, gifts purchased are not needed, as many get tossed to the side, after the receipt. Of course, stores want us to buy, and so advertise all these super sales, to suck us in. Most people get tantalized, so run to the stores, and buy, and buy and buy. It starts off with the Black Friday, or should we call it SPEND Friday! At the end of the spending spree, struts in the month of stock taking-January. By this time, many people are yawning financially because their pockets are empty. By then, reality sets in and the penny pinching starts. Some even make trips back to the stores to return some much-not-needed gifts they received, or bought.

 The world's gradual recovery from the economic meltdown is indicative to people that one needs to plan to enable one wether any upcoming, unforeseen financial storm. Should we give gifts with moderation to deserving people at any time of the year, absolutely yes? Must we all feel compelled we must exchange gifts at Christmas; I hope not, not at the expense of the family budget!


  1. Nice blog and great post. Agree 110%!!! Gift giving has become ingrained as part of the American Christmas culture and can lead to lots of unneeded stress around the holidays. Giving with retraint, long term preparation and planning going some months before the Christmas holidays will lead to less debt accumulation and less guilt at the end of the day.

  2. Interesting one Ma. I think gift giving is awesome when there are a lot of little kids in the family, because they believe in Santa Claus and his gift-giving reputation. However, as you mentioned, moderation is key, both in number of gifts purchased and amount of money spent on them compared to the amount of money saved.

    Keep bloggin' Ma, I'm liking this!
