Friday, December 30, 2011


To feel happy with ones lot is a path toward contentment. Feeling happy does not really mean that we would like to remain with what we have, or what we are. Though one is content, one could still yearn for a way to move ahead, or accomplish more in life; one's aspiration to do that, does not mean that one lacks contentment, rather, it means that one is seeking a path to self improvement. Simply put, a content person is someone who does not feel less of a person, or deprived, when he looks upon those who happen to be endowed with what one lacks. When we start feeling less than what we are, it often leads to self pity, or self abasement. Why should we chide ourselves over what we cannot yet attain, or might never attain? It is senseless to do that.

A positive way in striving to attain what we lack, is to lay out a realistic plan and go ahead to pursue it. We should still strive to be content whether we attain our goals, or not. Contentment is a virtue people should work on to acquire, that is, if one lacks it. The absence of it makes one unhappy and could even lead to the envy of others we would like to be like, or live like. Contentment also helps us to accept what we cannot attain. For example, no matter how an adult, short person wants or yearns to be tall, he cannot attain it because it is outside his reach to do so. Being discontent by the fact that one is short leads to frustration. Under this circumstance, or other similar cases, we can only be content when we concentrate on our strengths and down play our minuses, except only, and if only, it is something we can change. Praise others for the qualities they have that you lack, that way, you feel more fulfilled and less frustrated. Living contentment does not mean you have it all, rather, it is the realization, acceptance, and gratification of all life has to offer, including the good and bad.

1 comment:

  1. Good one, Ma!
    Contentment is getting harder and harder to retain in this day and age when there are limitless advancements being shoved in our faces. We're getting accustomed to more, more more! For this reason, when one solely focuses on how much they have less, less, less, low self esteem gets fostered and things go downhill. I think the best way to battle this phenomenon is to keep one's eyes fixed on his or her own personal blessings and very little on others'. Also, continually remaining thankful for the things, material and intangible, that one has accomplished in written or mental format, is the key to contentment.

    Thanks for posting and getting us to think!
