Friday, March 3, 2017

It will be okay

There are days when one wakes up to find one pressing problem he/she needs to solve. One can run around the entire day to solve this problem, and every effort comes to naught. The addition of this problem, to some others one is already carrying, seems so impossible to bear. The cumulative effect of all these burdens become one heavy load to log around.

One of such problems that we bear could be unemployment that could come knocking, and when one spends years to locate this one job, two years later, the company declares bankruptcy and everyone is laid off. It is back again to a job search. A similar cycle that would throw one into unemployment could repeat itself over and over again. Another problem could be that one badly wants to get married and some of the efforts one makes to locate a good marital partner keeps hitting a dead end. You meet a guy today and he seems to be Mr Right, couple of weeks later, you find out he is some lion in sheep's clothing. You meet another, he turns out to be a cheat, yet another, and he is a free loader, and one feels like cringing in fear of what other options lie out there. Many times, in frustration, we decide to stop looking and just retreat into our cocoon. 

What of someone who is looking for the fruit of the womb? Year one, two, three and even twelve and beyond, no sign of a pregnancy. Hm, one's spirit begins to sink until it gets trapped into years of frustration and despair. Think of an orphan, who has been tossed from one adoption home to the other, and in certain places, he gets abused, dehumanized and sometimes rejected. The thought of going through life in this manner becomes more and more discouraging and at some point, one would be thinking of whether life will ever have any better deal to offer. The truth of the matter is that it cannot continue to be out of control, because at some point, no matter how long it takes, something gives, that would gradually put that stress under control.

At other times, it could be that one is raising a very difficult child and the more the parent gives, the more the kid demands. The more the parent offers love, the more the child takes advantage of this. This child could even drift away, or in some cases would drop out of school. In other circumstances, they can even resort to drugs. It is not just children that do resort to drugs, sometimes it could a parent who can't get his/her acts together, and would move in and out of one drug rehab center to the other, and in such cases, the kids become the parents of these parents.  There are other tons of problems that we face on a daily basis, and which could turn one's life into a living hell. However, if it happens to feel like hell over time, the consolation is that at a certain turn, that hell fire will gradually begin to dwindle, and consequently would quench completely, and then we find ourselves whole again.

One thing we should know when we are being bombarded by these upheavals, is that it is going to be okay at some point. I have found myself some days overwhelmed by the events of the day that at the end of that day, when I lower myself into my bed, I wish tomorrow gets delayed in coming, so I can muster enough energy to face a new day. At such point before I go to bed, I simply pray to God to take over my concerns and surprisingly, when I wake up the next day, some of the previous burdens appear lighter, not so serious as I thought they were. Other times, one or two of such burdens get solved, or I make inroads into solving them. Never let your burdens, or life's challenges crush you. Behind you is the hand of your creator, and He never gives us what we cannot handle. "Do not worry over what you will eat, or drink, or where you will live, think of the birds of the air----------, if God takes care of them, talk less of us made after His image and likeness." Cast over your burdens to Him through daily prayers and His grace will you see you through. Regardless of what outcome you experience over time, in the long run, you will finally realize that life is after all worth living. 

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