Friday, March 10, 2017

Does God exist?

There is such unusual order in the universe as it exists. One wakes up every day to view the trees. One gets up every day and the sky is still in place. It has not dislodged from its fixture. So does the sun unfailingly rise and set daily. Every time the sun unleashes its scourge, nature suffers, likewise, every time it rains, the Earth gets replenished. winter and summer come and go as do the other seasons. People continue to be born, as some older ones die off. So does vegetation rebirth itself.

Such order is not organized by man, for most things man makes crumble at some point. At some stage, the fabricator of such ephemeral things, man himself, succumbs to death. From all indications, it is obvious that some force or power of the invisible, bigger than man must be in existence. That force is indestructible. It continues to work day and night to keep the cosmos in place. This powerful spirit is not created because it was in being before the world existed. For in Genesis 1, it was explained that God existed before the world was made. Out of nothingness, God created land and separated it from the bodies of water. He also made night and day, and vegetation. He made the moon and the stars, the animals and us humans, when according to the Bible, He said, "Let us make man in our own image and likeness." Thus, we came to be. The firmaments He created are still in place and quite functional.

How do we know He exists? Through His goodness, His creation, through the account of all the holy souls who encountered Jesus, the later of whom God sent into the world to die on the cross to redeem us. God's son Jesus also told us through the Bible, that "My Father and I are one".We know God exists because during his creation, He had breathed His life into us to give us spirit.  Besides, we encounter Him through the strength He gives us to combat our daily struggles.  Above all, we believe God exists through faith. for in the Bible, Jesus told Thomas, "Blessed are those who have not seen, but yet believed". To an unbeliever, an atheist, the lukewarm, start asking God to help replace your unbelief with belief, so whenever the clarion call comes, we have no option but to meet our God and maker in the world beyond..

If you choose not to believe He exists in this world, how will we be prepared to meet Him when we die? "If you deny me before man, I will deny you before my Father" -Jesus said in the Bible. If you do not believe He exists, start believing now, even if at the moment you do so in a lukewarm manner, and continue to appeal to God to grow your unbelief. By the time you know it, He will show you the way, "for with God, all things are possible." The time to follow Him is now, my brothers and sisters; do not tarry because the train is now in the station, and you know what, it will depart at the least expected time. The clock sure is ticking. Better believe for "the world and all that is in it is passing away." Where are you in your spiritual life? Do you go to worship and adore God in the worship place-the church? If you don't, go and do so. May God bless you.

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