Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Could it be for keeps?

It is uncommon to find marriages that have lasted over the years. No wonder I was delighted to watch Mr and Mrs Jimmy Carter on the Piers Morgan show talk about their marriage. Their marriage, like all marriages, has had its ups and downs, that regardless, it has lasted for about 65 years, and is still continuous. Not many people can boast of such achievement. Sixty five whooping years, some might ask, how can two people be faithful to each other for those number of years?

I have seen and read about other marriages that start off well, but many times drift off. When you ask those in such marriages, they state that along the way, they fell out of love with their partners. For others, they claim that they drifted apart. Each couple's story is usually different from the other. For long marital partners, what they try to do is to give each other the benefit of the doubt. They sometimes laugh off one another's weaknesses, nudge some erring partner back on course, counsel or ignore the other's lapses, at certain times, fall out on issues, but later on, paddle back, bandage the relationship, and glue tearing portions back with super glue. Mr and Mrs Carter stated that they have learned how to give each other space because apparently, being married does not mean that one has to wear one's partner around like a band. Apart from Mr and Mrs Carter, others with lasting marriages are couples like, Queen Elizabeth the second of England and Prince Philip. The late Bob Hope was married to his wife for over 60 years.

In many countries in Africa, many marriages last till death do the partners part. In fact, tons of couples have celebrated their silver. golden and diamond jubilees. Lasting marriages make us different from other animals who change partners at will. Long lasting marriages are usually celebrated and such partners not only act as role models to younger ones, but direct and shepherd others in their marital ventures. 

The final and most important thing that makes marriages last is the glue that holds all marriages together-God. Bring Him into your marriage by praying daily together, using the holy family of Mary, Joseph and Jesus as your role model, and vowing to stay together through thick and thin. Not letting any one to come between you and your partner is key, for after all it is written in the bible, "That what God has joined together, let no man put asunder".

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