Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The little things we forget to do

We get so busy every day, that we forget to appreciate the world around us. We wake up each day running to accomplish this and that. Many times, we get so consumed with chores, that we do not remember to relax a bit.

From our door steps to the road, down to our work places and beyond, there are assorted things that exist to delight the senses. In Spring, we have the plants struggling to bud. You watch them develop one leaf, then two, but again comes the cold weather, that wipes them away. Later, the weather warms up and more leaves try to sprout, and as the Spring showers and sun serenade them, they are nudged into existence. Later, as if in a hurry, every tree is filled with joy and laughter, as their fastly developed, luscious leaves, seem to mock the disappearing Winter. The squirrels run around, and unabashedly flirt with the acorns, in the full glare of all.

Then creepily struts in Summer, initially, with some mild sunshine, till  with its scorching sun, it takes dominance over Spring. Children sing and play, adults alike dress skimpily, each trying to outdo the other in the pools. Barbecue smells fill the air with such aromatic arrogance. Wedding bells chime endlessly, with such deafening noise. Vacation bells ring, as travel agencies and tour guides  have their field days filling their pockets with their spoils. Alas, Fall sneaks in through the back door and scatters it all, sending leaves and twigs floating in the air. Take it easy, we all seem to say, don't take our fun away. As the argument rages, Grandpa Winter comes in, all wrapped in white robes of snow. It sends everyone running for cover beneath their winter coats.   

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