Saturday, February 4, 2017

Of Baby Mama Syndrome

I often wonder how wonderful it is of God to have created men and women. Such thoughtfulness that went into that creation, because it takes both to start a family. Women have such trustful and caring natures that help them nurture humanity, especially children, to growth and development. Many fathers on their part are generally good protectors and providers. No wonder many girls love and trust their dads for protection and provision, and many times that trust is transferred to any man that later come into their lives.

The truth of the matter is that certain men could take advantage of such gullible girls, whom they sometimes put into the family way, under the pretext that marriage lurks around the corner. Those promised marriages often do not materialize over time, because those promises are mostly built on falsehoods. Likewise, some women too purposely get pregnant, so as to trick certain men into marrying them. Such women either desperately want to answer married, or are looking for men who they can hold responsible to pay child support-in other words, they are looking for someone to be their meal tickets. Many times too, such ambitions never come to fruition. The result is that these women remain as single mothers, now nick-named baby mamas.

Every woman should know that she deserves better, and should bargain better so as not to subject herself as a prey to such predators. Neither should any man let himself be tricked into being a baby daddy to any woman. For both sexes, baby children would not occur if we all observe what is called abstinence. We should never commence on any job we cannot finish. If she is not good enough for you to marry, don't go into any form of a pretentious relationship with her and vice versa. When we do, the resultant effect is the ton of single families we see today. 

The effect of this insanity-many children who run the streets. Another result is the number of children who drop out of school. Yet still, in schools, children who are problematic mostly come from single parents. It is very challenging for a couple to raise children, talk less when it is done by one parent. That one parent is too stretched with work, obligations, etc to have enough time to cater and supervise the children. The worst of all is that many times, the children of baby mamas grow up to be baby mamas, or baby daddies. What else does one expect, after all, they learn from their surroundings, and don't forget that a fruit does not fall far from the tree.

When will this madness stop? It will begin to abate when parents empower their children by explaining to them that it is not good to have sex before marriage. This situation can be arrested when sons and daughters are taught that they are complete on their own and do not need any one outside of themselves to complete them. When boys and girls are encouraged to remain in school, and trained to obtain job skills that can make them sustainable, can this issue be gradually contained.  When a girl learns job skills and gets a sustainable job, she will have little desire to trick a man into being a baby daddy. If young men and women are taught to marry when they should, and stay married with their partners, can sanity begin to return to the world. Jumping in and out from one sexual partner in and outside of marriage should be a no no to everyone.

Men and women, you are worth better. You have to take your destinies into your own hands because baby mama, or baby daddy is no way to go.

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